Martinka Consulting's Getting the Deal Done Podcast

Building a Business That's Ready for Sale (and more) with Joshua Monge

September 09, 2024 John & Jessica Martinka

Fascinating discussion with Joshua Monge who does fractional COO work for small businesses (up to about $10 million in sales. We cover:

  • Empowering Business Owners to Step Away from the Day-to-Day
  • How Fractional COOs Can Transform Mid-Sized Businesses
  • The Role of Technology in Scaling Service-Based Businesses
  • Building a Business That’s Ready for Sale – Even If You’re Not Selling Yet
  • The Importance of Leadership Development in Growing Businesses
  • Process Mapping and Visualization as IP and Assets

We cover a lot - of great information - in 25 minutes.

John Martinka
Jessica Martinka

Contact us via either website or give us a call and be sure to check out our videos